TBT Commonwealth Bank of Australia BSB Numbers

List of TBT Commonwealth Bank of Australia BSB Numbers with address and branch details

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We recommend you use Wise, which is usually much cheaper. For example, 1000 EUR transfer to USD can cost you as little as 4 EUR with TransferWise, compared to 28 EUR with a bank.

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To view the full details for each branch's BSB Number, please click on the BSB Number on the rightmost column.

Newstead Newstead TAS 527-021
Charles St Launceston TAS 527-022
Mowbray Heights Mowbray Heights TAS 527-023
Kings Meadows Kings Meadows TAS 527-024
Devonport Devonport TAS 527-025
Exeter Exeter TAS 527-026
Mowbray Heights Mowbray Heights TAS 527-027
Hobart Hobart TAS 527-028
Rosny Rosny TAS 527-029
Glenorchy Glenorchy TAS 527-030
Hobart Hobart TAS 527-031
Riverside Riverside TAS 527-032
St Helens St Helens TAS 527-033
Devonport Devonport TAS 527-034
Rosny Rosny TAS 527-035
Sorell Sorell TAS 527-036
Launceston Launceston TAS 527-051
Devonport Devonport TAS 527-052
Burnie Burnie TAS 527-053
Ulverstone Ulverstone TAS 527-054
Wynyard Wynyard TAS 527-055
Scottsdale Scottsdale TAS 527-056
Smithton Smithton TAS 527-057
St Marys St Marys TAS 527-058
Latrobe Latrobe TAS 527-059
Mowbray Heights Invermay TAS 527-060
Westbury Westbury TAS 527-061
Sheffield Sheffield TAS 527-062
Campbell Town Campbell Town TAS 527-063
Penguin Penguin TAS 527-064
Longford Longford TAS 527-065
Kings Meadows Kings Meadows TAS 527-066
Launceston Launceston TAS 527-067
George Town George Town TAS 527-068
Leasing Hobart TAS 527-069
Newstead Newstead TAS 527-071
Charles St Launceston TAS 527-072
Mowbray Heights Mowbray Heights TAS 527-073
Kings Meadows Kings Meadows TAS 527-074
Devonport Devonport TAS 527-075
Exeter Exeter TAS 527-076
Mowbray Heights Mowbray Heights TAS 527-077
Hobart Hobart TAS 527-078
Rosny Rosny TAS 527-079
Hobart Hobart TAS 527-081
Riverside Riverside TAS 527-082
St Helens St Helens TAS 527-083
Devonport Devonport TAS 527-084
Rosny Rosny TAS 527-085
Sorell Sorell TAS 527-086

What is TBT Commonwealth Bank of Australia BSB number? TBT Commonwealth Bank of Australia BSB number is a six digit number used to identify bank branches for Australian banks. BSB numbers will be different based on the branch of the account holder. It is based on the bank account origin by state and city.
In order to find the check BSB number of the branch you are looking for, click on the BSB Number link next to the branch name. Additionally, the list of bank BSB numbers is visible on this page for easier access.